Existential Crisis, The Birth of Faith and the Forging of New Identity

She sits before me, her veins screaming out from her forehead that is now turning purple. Her fragile heart has been shattered by a love she thought would last forever, but who walked out the door instead, unable to step up to the responsibility and commitment of such a future. “I thought that if I asked and was ready to receive, the Universe would give me what I wanted.” The way she once thought the Universe worked suddenly isn’t real for her. And she is trying with all of her might to contain the myriad of emotion that overwhelms her for fear that she too will break wide open. He is sobbing, his head buried in his hands, his legs shaking with tragic refusal to accept what is. The cancer has grown and has escaped into the lymph nodes. The surgery now feels inevitable, despite his best efforts to avoid it with alternative treatments and hope for a radical remission. Everything he believes he suddenly doesn’t.

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How Consciousness Is Holographic


A hologram is a blueprint, a multidimensional image.

This image is formed from light, or from the blend of many waves of energy, carrying information from many different levels of frequency. The information from the whole, is contained within each part.

In other articles I defined consciousness very simply as energy carrying information. Now we can say that consciousness is a holographic field of energy carrying multidimensional information. And it is consciousness that serves as the template or blueprint, to which matter organizes, whether in the form of a human, a rock or any other material object.

Feel Nothing Inside? Look to Quantum Physics for Relief

You feel nothing inside.

Some panic. Others distract themselves with external stimulation, like engaging in gossip about the neighbors, being glued to the smartphone, being plugged into music, or downloading the next app. Most cover up the feeling by getting drunk or using drugs.

But quantum physics tells us that the nothing is more powerful than any something. Just because you feel nothing inside, doesn’t mean you are a nothing inside.

The nothing is really space. Your core essence of self as energy and consciousness.

Esoteric sources tells us that space is an entity. A being.

Quantum physics teaches us that every thing is mostly no-thing. The analogy often used is that if you are standing in a cathedral, the space is the size of the cathedral. The thing, the particle, the substance is only the size of a speck of dust floating in a light beam. This proportion holds whether we are talking about an atom, a water molecule, you, or the entire planet.

What they have found is that space is literally the womb for all existence as we know it in physical reality. Space is the field of potentiality out of which all manifests. And that conscious observation is what creates the something out of the apparent nothing.

You are a conscious creator. So be creative with your consciousness. Choose wisely that which you create with your thoughts, your mind, your attention, your imagination. Make something out of your nothing. It is your birthright.

How Does Energy Healing Work? Using Energy Medicine as a Complementary Tool to Fight Cancer and Other Medical Conditions

The following post is NOT intended as medical advice. Please consult with your personal physician regarding any treatments you may be considering for any medical condition.

Energy healing gets a bad rap from western medicine. Many of my clients feel alienated from physicians who bash it when their patient wants to incorporate it into their healing protocol.

A client of mine recently had his surgery cancelled by his doctor simply because he was asking questions about how fast the cancer in his body was growing and was considering his holistic options. The doctor told him he didn’t want to risk that his time would be wasted and told the client he felt disrespected, and therefore was taking his surgery off the schedule for the following week.

Most of these clients just feel it important to add holistic approaches to the western protocol in a complementary fashion. Most are not opting for alternative. Those who do, usually want to try less invasive procedures first to see if it works, when they believe they have time to do the western protocols if the holistic methods aren’t working fast enough.

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Quantum Psychology: 7 Faces of the Quantum Self

Here is a very brief look at 7 faces of the quantum self. Of course the quantum self is limitless, but these are the facets through which most of us can categorize our experience. 1. Physical-Instinctual Consciousness This is the center of consciousness most related to the physical body, its instinctual default programming, and its motivating force that leads us to seek out safety, security and self preservation. 2. Emotional-Relational Consciousness This sphere brings us our awareness of being in relationship with another person, a color, an idea…anything at all. Emotion is the vibrational response of that focused awareness; it is a biofeedback measure of what is like us or not like us. From here arise fears and desires, attractions and repulsions, and empathy/lower psychic senses. The desire to be in relationship, and to procreate are motivated from this layer of consciousness. 3. Mental Consciousness From here comes our linear/analytical thought, all that mental chatter, and the desire to achieve and develop our personal power. 4. Loving-Intuitive Consciousness Within this state of consciousness, we think like a “we”, are motivated by unconditional unselfish love, and find ourselves to be more intuitive. 5. Higher Creative Consciousness Our power coming from higher love, we find that we are motivated to create for the larger good. 6. Visionary Consciousness Having tapped into a loving desire to help others, we find ourselves intuiting ideas for things that have never been done before. 7. Transcendent-Oneness Consciousness Through this portal, our higher sense of self connects with our lower bodies.In this state we sense our oneness and interconnection with all that is visible and invisible.  

Quantum Psychology: Quantum Principles Useful for Psychotherapy

1. Underlying all matter are waves of vibration. 2. These waves carry information. (In doubt, consider the internet!) Because they do, the energy seems to be intelligent, aware, interacting, adapting, varying…. and causing effects. We experience these waves or fields of awareness as consciousness. 3. Fields of consciousness are primary. Matter is energy organized into denser structures called form, and is secondary to consciousness.The body is organized according to the fields of consciousness upon which it is constructed. 4. Every thought carries a vibration, which causes an immediate effect throughout the body. This is the basis for the mindbody toolkit, which includes constructive self-talk, intention-setting, imagery, music, any kind of verbal mantra or silent prayer. 5. Vibrations intersect with one another. Some are produced from within. Some come from outside ourselves. Some cancel each other out. Others amplify. No wonder it is hard to say for sure the source of most of our diseases. 6. It is not constructive to dwell on uncomfortable thoughts, for it simply amplifies them. It is extremely fruitful when we learn how to think constructively more often than not! 7. Nonlocal effects are evident. They clearly are not due to electromagnetic energy, which takes time and space to travel. It seems that torsion fields help explain these mysterious happenings, observed in distant healing, quantum entanglement, remote viewing, and telepathy. When we suspend disbelief, it is amazing the effects we can have with our thoughts…on our body, our family, our world. 8. Resonance. Waves resonate with one another when their peaks and valleys match up. We can feel when we resonate with a thought, an idea, even another person who seems “on our same wavelength”. 9. Entrainment. When waves resonate together, they share or exchange information. This effect is called entrainment. When we entrain with another person, we are like one mind because we have become one mind. Our mental waves group with the other’s mental waves. (And it doesn’t stop with mental waves…) What is in our mind is accessible to the other and vice versa. 10. Scattered vs coherent energy. Scattered energy is like a scatter plot diagram or a bunch of random dots on a page of paper. It lacks in power. Coherent energy is whirled into an organized form, chiefly the swirl or spiral seen in a tornado or hurricane. Scattered thoughts are like random energy; random out, random in. But coherent thoughts are produced when we learn to be mindful, to meditate, to focus with clear multisensory intent. Imagine when our thoughts are aligned with the intent of our soul, the power we have to attract synchronous experience!

The Paradigm Shift to Quantum Psychology

It is time for a sweeping revision, repair and restoration of the field of psychology. Stanislav Grof MD said it this way,

“We are not talking here about a minor patchwork…..but a major fundamental overhaul. The resulting conceptual cataclysm would be comparable in its nature and scope to the revolution that physicists had to face in the first three decades of the twentieth century when they had to move from Newtonian to quantum-relativistic physics. And, in a sense, it would represent a logical complement to the radical changes in understanding of the material world that have already happened in physics.”

In his article Revision and Re-Enchantment of Psychology: Legacy of Half a Century of Consciousness Research, The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 2012, Vol. 44, No. 2. Grof asserted that a materialistic view of the human psyche simply does not fit all of the data. He suggested that it was time for psychology to recognize that the brain does not produce consciousness because consciousness is already everywhere. Consciousness is primary and fundamental.

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Bankers Draining Municipal Budgets? Where is Conscious Capitalism?

My stomach sickens at the thought… http://www.nbcnews.com/business/damage-city-budgets-self-inflicted-help-wall-street-2D11603593?ocid=msnhp&pos=1 …of dozens of cities, and thousands of fellow Americans, who are struggling because Wall Street bankers duped them into financial derivative schemes that made the bankers much richer and the cities, and their residents, much much poorer. Their municipal budgets now continuously drained. Public projects significantly more costly. Fewer works being funded at all. And the domino effect…like sustained unemployment or even higher layoffs, less funding to fight crime or pay emergency workers, impaired ability to help abused children get out of violent homes, little money to repair pot holes and other storm damage…the list goes on. All due to unscrupulous, unprincipled bankers who readily deceive our ignorant public servants into signing bad financial contracts, where they ultimately agree to pay higher than market interest rates or fees well into the future. Like Oakland, California reportedly stuck paying Goldman Sachs until 2021, according to CNBC’s John W. Schoenan in his article (see link above) just released today.

This is just one example of individuals, and entire industries, creating needless suffering in the world. Imagine how much misery could be avoided if these people transformed their consciousness into a way of thinking and perceiving that was centered around love. All contracts would be win-win, instead of win-lose. This is the basis of the latest movement in what is being called conscious capitalism. Bankers would use their financial know-how to help cities fund projects for the common good in the least expensive manner possible. And they would be paid fairly for their expertise. Bankers would help citizens afford their own homes, not go bankrupt because of deceptive legal contracts where they end up paying 80% higher than the original price of the home. And not just bankers, and the banking financial industry.

In the November 2013 issue of Entrepreneur magazine, we learn of many innovative start-up companies who are ready to help transform our world, one need at a time. There is Crowdfunding, where new ideas , Homeboy Industries, Like chefs who are determined to bring high quality food to us quickly.

If each of us helped transform our own industry through our own example of conscious capitalism, we would indeed change this world.

How can you change the world?  

Becoming A More Conscious World

How do we become a more conscious world, when it all can seem so beyond our individual capacities to change it? In short, we do what we can, from where we are, from the inside out. According to a 2009 telephone survey conducted by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life, 65% of American adults express a belief or have had at least one transpersonal experience, and 72% attend religious service at least yearly. About half of us have had a religious or mystical experience or moment of spiritual awakening, more than double the 22% reported in 1962. The point being, that a solid majority of us in the US seem to identify as spiritual people.

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Navigating the Spheres of Consciousness…Consciously

Are you are the driver of your experience in consciousness? Most of us are not. Through our lack of awareness, we carelessly allow ourselves to be tossed around by anything and everything. What we experience then is randomness. It is possible, however, to take the driver’s seat and direct our consciousness anywhere within spacetime, or beyond its limits and boundaries. For example, we can direct our attention to the consciousness of our cells. And in so doing, we can enter the mind of our cells. We can stay in this plane of consciousness when we desire, which we certainly will until we choose to transcend it. We can navigate our consciousness into the sphere of our soul body. And from that Self, dialogue with self. We can reach out to the Cosmic Self by driving there with specific intention, and allowing self to stretch until it breaks into Self. the blackberry