Speaking & Workshops
How To Make Contact
You can call or text Valerie at 303-547-8327. Feel free to leave a voicemail message, with the date, time and location of your event, as well as your contact information.
You can also click below to request a workshop, group or speaking event.
Topics Include:
On Energy, Consciousness, and Quantum Psychology
- A discussion of her book, Living In A Quantum Reality: Using Quantum Physics And Psychology To Embrace Your Higher Consciousness
- How Science is Validating Spiritual Experiences
- Implications of Quantum Science for Psychology and Consciousness
- From The Visible To The Invisible: How Quantum Physics Is Forcing Change Upon The Field Of Psychology And The Practice Of Psychotherapy
- Quantum Psychology: What Every Spiritual Experiencer Needs to Know
- Energy Psychology: More Than Tapping
- How To Integrate Spirituality Into Your Traditional Counseling Practice
Spiritual Experiences Support Groups
Valerie co-facilitates spiritual experiences support groups with clergy of any denomination.
While you address theological questions that can arise, Valerie can address the psychological concerns that arise commonly for experiencers. She can also offer scientific sources of validation for the existence of a spiritual realm and for communication with deceased loved ones, spiritual beings, and that Presence that most call God.
Contact her to design a group especially for your place of worship. She offers at no charge your first support group event, consisting of from 1 to 5 weekly sessions.