Fractal Pattern in a Quantum Material Confirmed for the First Time!
It is increasingly believed that our cosmos is a holofractal one. As above, so below. As the macrocosm, so too the microcosm. The vast jewel, geometric, multidimensional, holographic….where within each part lives the information for the whole. We are that.
It is increasingly believed that our cosmos is a holofractal one. As above, so below. As the macrocosm, so too the…
Posted by Valerie Varan, LPC on Thursday, March 11, 2021
Seeking to know what you are made of?
“As surprising as it may sound, no one really knows what an electron is. And it is this fundamental mystery that has been the driving force for much of modern physics and what eventually led to the development of quantum field theory…while we can’t observe an electron, we can observe its behavior—more specifically its energy….This is where the quantum model took over, where, instead of existing in precisely-defined orbits, all that is known about electrons is their probable distribution around the atom—generally referred to as an electron cloud…This alternative view of electrons as probability clouds, rather than definite orbital states, successfully describes the behavior of matter. However, although achieving what the Bohr model couldn’t, it still doesn’t reveal the nature of the electron and where its mass comes from…To get deeper still, we need a model that more accurately describes the nature and structure of the electron, which is precisely what is offered in the generalized holographic model introduced by Nassim Haramein. This approach starts by defining the fundamental bit of energy as an oscillating spherical unit…it states that the energy—or information— of any spherical system is proportional…This holographic relationship between the exterior and the interior defines the mass expressed by the system at any given moment, while the inverse defines the mass-energy density of the system—or as described by David Bohm, the unfolded and the enfolded, respectively. The question is, can this approach be extended to the electron? The first step in answering this question is to consider the spatial extent of the electron and the volume of information that it encloses. So if we start with the premise that an electron cloud can be considered as an “electron” coherent field of information, then instead of thinking about the electron as a separate system, the electron could be thought of as a cloud of potential energy..This new picture of the electron as a coherent collective behavior of the Planck scale granular structure of spacetime is non-trivial, as not only does it give us a deeper understanding of the nature of the electron, it can also help deepen our understanding of …physics.”
Holography ‘quantum leap’ could revolutionize imaging
Great article if you want a hint about entangled quantum particles like photons (bundles of light energy), which are interconnected no matter the distance so that what happens to one is immediately known and reacted to by the other. What I’d invite you to consider is that you are made of light energy, of entangled photons. And quantum theorists tell us that we and everything else in the universe is a hologram, with the defining characteristic being that “within each part, resides the information for the whole”. Within you, resides the information for the Whole. You are indeed interconnected and entangled with all other beings. And what affects one, affects us all. This is the new vision of reality we are presented by science. And it echos the wisdom of Christ who taught that what we sow, we reap. Now we know, this is literal. Furthermore, quantum findings suggest that the past, the future, and the present, time itself, are all immediately affecting one another, such that actions in the future affect the past. How would we change our lifestyle if we knew this was true? – Valerie Varan LPC psychotherapist and author of Living in a Quantum Reality: Using Quantum Physics and Psychology to Embrace Your Higher Consciousness
” the first in the world to find a way to use quantum-entangled photons to encode information in a hologram…The Glasgow team’s new quantum holography process also uses a beam of laser light split into two paths, but, unlike in classical holography, the beams are never reunited. Instead, the process harnesses the unique properties of quantum entanglement—a process Einstein famously called ‘spooky action at a distance’ – to gather the coherence information required to construct a holograph even though the beams are forever parted…Their process begins in the lab by shining a blue laser through a special nonlinear crystal which splits the beam into two, creating entangled photons in the process. Entangled photons are intrinsically linked—when an agent acts on one photon, it’s a partner is also affected, no matter how far apart they are. The photons in the team’s process are entangled in both in their direction of travel but also in their polarisation…because the photons are entangled as a single ‘non-local’ particle, the phase shifts experienced by each photon individually are simultaneously shared by both..”
Friction Has Memory, Say Physicists
Wonder why all sorts of scientific disciplines are giving us hints that our underlying reality is a field of consciousness?
In neuroscience, we are learning that everything we do repeatedly is remembered by the body, which rewires itself to do those things more easily. We also learn that trauma is remembered by the body for several generations. Water remembers what it comes into contact with. And here in this Harvard experiment in materials science, we learn that even contact between surfaces reveals “memory”.
According to the article, contact between us reveals an underlying system, which evolves depending on both the past and the now. The underlying system shows it has memory. Is this “a field of consciousness”?
“Experiments by Sam Dillavou and Shmuel Rubinstein at Harvard University have, for the first time, revealed that the friction between two surfaces has a “memory”. …it became clear that the system had “remembered,” how it reached its current state and was evolving based on its history, not just its current state…”
Quantum collaboration gives new gravity to the mysteries of the universe
Wow. An experimental test to determine if quantum or classical gravity is at work in our Universe. What this means for us is a potential confirmation, again, that our Universe operates according to quantum laws. To say our Universe is quantum, really says that there is a field of potentiality out there, where subatomic particles pop in and out of existence and their structure is dependent on an Observer to materialize. And that these “particles” are really just bundles of energy anyway, that they are routinely in more than one state or “position” at a time (superposition), and that they regularly act like a collective system rather than independent objects. And that they get entangled, such that what happens to one is immediately reacted to in a complementary fashion by the other…essentially showing synchronistic behavior. No wonder it appears that a field of Consciousness is really our fundamental reality!
“This new research, which is a collaboration between experts in quantum computing, quantum gravity, and quantum experiments finds an unexpected connection between the fields of quantum computing and quantum gravity and uses this to propose a way to test experimentally that there is quantum not classical gravity. The suggested experiment would involve cooling billions of atoms in a millimeter-sized spherical trap to extremely low temperatures such that they enter a new phase of matter, called a Bose-Einstein condensate, and start to behave like a single large, quantum atom. A magnetic field is then applied to this “atom” so that it feels only its own gravitational pull. With this all in place, if the single gravitating atom demonstrates the key ingredient needed for quantum computation, which is curiously associated with “negative probability,” nature must take the quantum gravity approach.”
4 Things We Need To Do Now To REALLY Make This Country Great Again
I’m exhausted. Yes, from all of life’s stressors about earning a living, maintaining friendships (in a world where everyone is stressed and has no QUALITY time to spend with one another), caregiving family members who need vital help, yet also trying to balance lagging career activities, dates with my hubby, sleep and overall health. Well-being? HA! That’s a struggle lately for sure. I’m working on it…I did start back with some yoga recently…
Sound familiar? You are not alone. We each have our own list that sucks the life force right out of us. But really, it’s not just with our personal lives…it’s with our current society…really our entire culture as human citizens.
“Society”. I decided to look up the word because quite frankly we’ve so lost touch socially. It was defined as “the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community”, of “a particular region”, or with “shared customs, laws, and organizations”. Hmmm. I decided I had better look up “culture”. It said, “arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively”.
Clearly our society has dramatically gone in the direction of “less” ordered. My mind jumped to the word “entropy”, defined as “gradual decline into disorder”, stemming from the thermodynamic measure of unavailable energy. I laughed inside. I didn’t start out to write about energy or physics. But the humor of my mind going there was not lost on me, since I usually post about the intersection where quantum physics (all things energy) meets psychology and spirituality.
My mind went back to contemplating our status as a society, and the defining characteristic of “shared”. Hmmm. I thought I’d better look that up too, since the “giving to another” aspect isn’t too evident today, especially in our political circus. Okay, we do “jointly possess” whatever laws are in place. Kind of. Well, I’ll give us that one and concede we are still a society, though quite entropic and plunging hastily into disorder.
But not only is that true for us in our American society, it seems overwhelmingly evident of us as a global culture. In our recent decline toward greater disorder, our status as a “collective” has perceptibly eroded.
To live as a collective, we need to care about one another as one large global family and work together toward our joint achievement in human intellectual pursuits. I believe most of us are literally sick and tired of the entropy created when energy is unavailable for greater human advances due to the degree of our “disorderedness”.
So, I’ve put together this list of 4 things we need to do to really make this country (and world) great again.
1. Realize our connectedness. If quantum physics has taught us anything, it is that we are connected. When you look at the energy out of which we are composed, it is fluid and without apparent physical boundary. Our building blocks we thought we were made of turned out to be energy “quanta”, bundles of light. Collectively and individually, we are in fact a body of light. And, our energies are continuously intermingling, like colors of a rainbow. Human, animal, plant, mineral…each kingdom connected and intricately interdependent upon one another as one rainbow system, one global collective.
2. We were designed to, and MUST, work cooperatively with one another and with nature. Each part in this collective system is a significant aspect of the whole. We each bring something of purpose, meaning and significance to our society, even our culture. (But how many of us believe that? Far too few. And I suspect this is an underlying reason for the rising trend in anger-generated mass shootings and retaliatory violence.)
The physicist David Bohm initially described this truth in the concept of the “universe as a hologram”, where the defining characteristic of a hologram overall is that “within each part lies the information for the whole”. The reason this matters to us in our daily lives is twofold. For one, this means YOU have access to the information embedded within the whole of the universe, just like our spiritual teachers have told us and why they have encouraged meditation or contemplation to receive this universal information. Two, what you receive (aka intuition) is usually meant for you, and designed to move through you out into the world for a purpose you will likely not realize until years have gone by. Which is why when you hold back, you hold our cultural collective human intellectual achievement back from evolving as it could. You are that significant.
Imagine if we each embraced, and took responsibility for, our individual unique perspectives, skills and talents. But instead of declining into the chaotic disorder of fanatical individualism, we humbly stood up to do our part while also standing side-by-side as others did their part in this multidimensional circle we call Earth. Respectfully recognizing what others bring to the table. Gladly, even “joyfully”, working together toward our collective benefit and cultural advancement.
For there is nothing that brings more joy than aligning with the whole. Whether linking mind to body, and mindbody to spirit. Or connecting one another in true fashion as a shared society and global culture. Tears of joy fall when I meditate on intentions of a cooperative whole, and see in my mind’s eye each person offering their best talent for the good of the all of us. Each person a shining bright light in the lantern of a country, and in the campfire of our planet.
3. Imagine if we replaced our outdated pre-internet political party way of doing things, with a more advanced election system. We simply don’t need political parties anymore. Before the internet we did, because we had to come together in smaller groups to exchange ideas, before our representative leaders could know our thoughts in Washington D.C. That is now obsolete. And, no parties, no need for party-based primaries, no need for PACs. Simply, clear majority vote rules. If we want, we could have nonpartisan primaries, or we could have top candidates who are only a few percentage points apart do a runoff vote. Today, we each could effectively elect another into a leadership position based on how well we believe she or he could advance our human collective. Our one vote would be as valuable as the next. There is no fundamental reason why, before filling out our ballot, we couldn’t compare a fact-checked website listing of candidates, their past accomplishments and interests for our country, as well as their qualifications and readiness for office. And vote our conscience as to who we think could potentially advance us, not individually, but collectively into greater “order” and synchrony. Instead of candidates having to waste their efforts raising money for campaigns and thinking up strategic ways to take down their running colleagues, they could focus on answering debate questions. They could devote their energy walking their talk to let us see who they really are. We wouldn’t even have to change much else about our election system or even our structure of government as established by our founding fathers to move us forward. Imagine our Congress and our Senate, each able to conduct business, without a party to worry about, with only a country and globe to wisely consider. Serving the whole as one collective, one body. In the words of Abraham Lincoln and Sam Houston, one house, one nation. I’m pretty sure if they had the internet back in those days, they would have used it as part of our process of government. Such great leaders would not have meant for us to stay totally in the 1700’s way of doing things. We now have more than enough ways to know the thoughts of the people! And, if we can send a Tesla into orbit, we have plenty of genius tech savvy folks we could put on solving the election meddling and security breach issues.
4. Respect. It’s a word hugely distorted these days, morphed into some peasant-to-king kind of admiration for another (usually some violent alpha dog), and used to hold others back from the circle.
Not too long ago, the word respect meant to convey noble attention and consideration, that is, highest regard for another. And this is what we need to get back to. True respect.
It is time we respect each and every one of us in this collective whole. We are all individually unique (another fact of physics, where even each atom of a single tree has a signature energy pattern). AND we are equally deserving of respect, attention and consideration. This doesn’t take much from us to improve in this area. This very day, we could:
- Respectfully, hold a door open for someone.
- Listen to someone express an opinion that contrasts with ours, without pushing them to change their point of view. We usually hear something we were meant to, in order to learn, grow and evolve.
- Smile. To the cashiers handing you your coffee. To the waiters bringing your lunch, when they probably should be studying for some college exam. Especially to those we haven’t met, but of course to loved ones who often get the worse version of ourselves.
- Be gentle and have patience. Citizenship begins with civility. In the playground, classroom, boardroom, and above all, in the halls of our Senate, Congress and White House. If we can’t be polite and courteous, something’s going on with us. We have become disordered and need to work on ourselves.
It starts and ends with us. We are the beginning and ending point for this collective circle of humanity and global citizenry. When we each take responsibility for bringing a better us to the circle, we can’t help but to initiate changes in others. Our energy is contagious, for better or worse. So let’s REALLY make this country (and world) great again.
Biophotons, light and much more are we!
I just read “Emission of Biophotons and Neural Activity of the Brain”, and it got me marveling yet again about how “light” is really the language we all speak, at the level of the body AND the soul. So I can’t help but wonder how the very small (light at the level of atoms and cells) and the immensely large (cosmic, like within the field of astronomy) link up. What we do think we know is that there is, at least, a connection from the body to the quantum through the tubulins within the microtubules of the neurons of our brain. And biophotons, at every frequency domain, seem to be our little light messengers between our human consciousness and the field of consciousness as a whole. This particular article was about the role of biophotons in the activity of our brain.
For those of you who may be new to this, a quantum of light is a unit or chunk of light, and we call it a photon. In the body, it is called a biophoton. The array of light that is the field of our biophotons is still a great mystery scientifically, our understanding still in its infancy. But we do know that it is at once local, and involved in electro-chemical communication and resonant energy transfer processes, as well as nonlocal, and entangled with the quantum vacuum, the field of potentiality. And it seems that subatomically, within the proton of the nucleus of each atom, lie the quantum worm-holes through which this light travels multidimensionally!
Biophotons are produced by our cells, largely from the oxidative metabolism of the mitochondria, the power plants of the cell responsible for generating enough energy to fuel all the activities of the cell. For instance, in a single neuron associated with sight, over 100 biophotons per second can be produced during the process of visual perception.
Our biophotons are usually considered “ultra-weak” electromagnetic light, but as the authors point out, this name is misleading since really most of their intensity cannot actually be measured, primarily because it is absorbed and scattered during cellular activity. This is relevant when we want to understand where this kind of light is along the entire holographic spectrum of light. Think of octaves on a piano and how they are harmonics of one another. Now imagine the piano is multidimensional and not just a single array of keys and octaves.
The neurons of our brain and nervous system conduct, and actually communicate through, these biophoton signals (as well as electrical and other energy signals), and the more coherent (laser-like, well organized as a synchronous system) our biophoton field, the more coherent our brain and EEG. The more coherent our energy field as a whole, the healthier we tend to be, while a scattered field is correlated with dis-ease.
Within our neurons, are microtubules vibrating in different frequency modes. In their excited states, there is coherence and energy pumping, and biophotons are absorbed via biomolecules. In their ground state, coherence and energy pumping are lacking, and biophotons are absorbed by the vacuum. These states are entangled when there is superposition of both states, ground and coherence. Here we see that we have a quantum system, with microtubules giving us long coherence and large synchrony. Therefore, we can begin to sense how our information processing can extend from local to nonlocal domains.
How does this relate to our EEG readings? Some scientists suspect that the quantum vibrations are the source of our brain wave electrical activity measured by an EEG as voltage fluctuations across time and frequency (the rhythm or speed bandwidths of brain waves), on average, for a synchronized group of neurons numbering in the thousands. You may recognize the names of these frequency domains or rhythms as beta, alpha, theta, and delta brain waves, moving slower and slower from wakefulness to deeper relaxation and meditation to sleep. Gamma waves are even faster than beta (usually about 30-100 hertz) and have been observed in very experienced healers and advanced meditators. Gamma frequencies are thought to be involved in the synchronizing of neurons, which would make sense given that healers’ energy is known to be highly coherent. It also then make sense why gamma rhythms would be observed when we are consolidating information and engaging in higher mental activity.
So, what is the take-away point of all this? To realize that we are indeed light within light, just as our spiritual texts describe. At the level of our body and cells is electrical energy at the slowest bandwidths of communication signaling. But at even increasingly multidimensional levels are biophotons to be found, at all levels of higher and lower energy, bridging us from slower realms of human consciousness to the faster and more synchronized realms of Wholeness consciousness. And all of that IS the very light of who we really are as souls!
Quantum Nature of Healing Light & Love: How Quantum Physics and Psychology Affirm NDEs, 2017 IANDS Conference Presentation
A Quantum Explanation of Love
How Near-Death Experiences Are Indeed Possible: Part 1 Interview by NDE Radio Host Lee Witting
Join NDE Radio show host, Lee Witting, as he interviews Valerie about her book, Living in a Quantum Reality, a self-help book for those who have shifted into higher consciousness states from their near-death or spiritually-transformative experiences. And, as he inquires about the energies that make supposedly impossible experiences possible.