How Love Heals, Part III
When our body, mind or heart is broken, we seek healing.
Healing is the process of integration, of joining together that which has been fragmented. A fractured bone mends. A scattered mind focuses. A heart finds wholeness. And the soul remembers oneness.
All wounds are a tear in the fabric of Love, the field of synthesis for all that has been sewn from the one thread.
In healing, Love calls back to itself what has gone awry. It magnetizes back to center what has been split apart. At the energetic level, Love coheres, attracts and unifies. It sounds out its vibrational note, and gathers in all that resonates with its song. Love energy moves as a coherent field…..spiraling tightly like a laser, systemically like a galaxy…..whirling seemingly separated particles together within its gravitational hold.
How Love Heals, Part II
How Love Heals
Love is the primary energy through which matter, our familiar dense and physical form, is constructed.
Pure energy that is Spirit inter-courses, weaving form out of formlessness, falling back and forth upon itself, One Thread becoming the many-threaded material of our physical existence.
The process, we call Love. The sound, a multi-verse of exploding life birthing from the One Life. The primary effect, we call Creation, Awareness, the field of Quantum Consciousness.
(to be continued in part II…)
We are Interconnected: Tragedy in Our Seas
Yet another example of how we are interconnected, for better or worse. In this case, Hawaii’s beaches and sea life are struggling with the aftermath of the tsunami in Japan, two years later. In the birds and fish, plastic has been found in 100% of the wildlife tested. Our food supply contaminated, we are reminded of why it is in our best interest that the products we manufacture be made of materials that are environmentally-friendly and biodegradable. We are…ecosystems within ecosystems.�
Story of Inspiration
The following link takes you to an inspiring story of NFL players who are living their faith:
Three Steps Toward a Loving Relationship that Lasts
So many people are confused about love and relationship.
If you want to take inventory on what you are already doing well, and what you might need to work on to enjoy a long-lasting and fulfilling relationship, check out the following three steps.
Giving Thanks
I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving holiday. I know I did. I’m very grateful for having had the opportunity to spend it in the mountains with my loving husband. Ah…the Macy’s parade, the lighting of the Christmas trees, the delicious aromas of herb buttered turkey and of course grandma’s stuffing, roasting marshmallows around the dancing fire, the sight of countless stars blinking throughout the indigo sky, the relaxing sounds of acoustical guitar, and excitement of college football buzzing from above the crowded bar…all embraced within the golden glow of the candlelit pine and rustic stone lodge we shared with others. But there is so much more to be grateful for beyond our own immediate lives. In our distractedness, we regularly forget the many angels that work to keep our world together, literally. I’m thinking of all of the good people who put others’ needs before their own, and who can be found in every organization quietly attending to the greater cause. They are the rock upon which this world stands. Believing in abundance and blessings, they share what they have. These are the world’s true leaders, who love to serve more than serve to be loved. They understand that the children of other countries are as precious and deserving of our care and concern as those in our own homeland, and that our economy is interdependent upon fair global exchange and support. Serving as an example to us all, they consistently demonstrate compassion for the empty-hearted who are more needy to win than to love. Full of light, they resist temptation to engage in the fight, and steadfastly prove their goodwill. They are the pioneers of our day, who courageously nudge our understanding into wisdom, and who brave the stormy criticism of those who are afraid they might have to change their ways when their thinking is proven obsolete. They risk everything, but think of it nothing. For all good people of the world who love, let us be abidingly grateful.
Who Am “I”?
I am a drop of consciousness emerging from an ocean of consciousness.
And yet I am the ocean of consciousness from which my atoms and cells themselves emerge as individualized drops of consciousness.
Drops within drops within drops, I am an infinite array of consciousness.
Hologram within hologram within hologram, I am conscious being, life and love itself.
The Basis of Healing
In this age where we focus on getting rid of disease, what do we know about health and healing? Where there is health there is:
- Movement, flow, circulation
- Energetic states that are coherently structured
- Sustenance, nutrition, oxygen, water
- Environmental conditions that foster growth and allow life to thrive
Consciousness, the Cross, and the Spiritual Path
You have been born from the cosmic night to send love rippling, horizontally and vertically, at the break of light.
The son of consciousness, you travel a spiritual path symbolized by the cross of love, even if you know it not. Blinking in and out of existence, your journey travels up and down the ladder of consciousness, into higher and faster speeds of quantum vibration, into lower and slower material realms. Carrying love across the space of time, you find your way into wider and broader circles of inclusion and beingness.
So when you see the symbol of the cross, contemplate where you are on your spiritual path. How high and how wide do you cast your net of love? Are you a “fisher of all men” as is the Christ and all those who truly follow him? Or are there those who are excluded from your love? Carry the cross as a reminder that, as the son of God, your responsibility is to share love with all that is, here on this earthly plane as well as multidimensionally on all planes.
As taught by the Tibetan, where the vertical intersects with the horizontal, there is the Cross.