Balancing Energies
This energy pulses from your core, brings you the power of life, and serves to communicate information throughout and between you and All That Is. Your soul is what you feel at your core. It is a unique energetic signature and fingerprint, one that is the pattern or blueprint upon which your physical body is constructed. It communicates with you regularly, though you may neglect to listen.
Within your body, this energy moves as lines of force, which have been referred to as energy highways or meridians. When you see a map of your nervous system or cardiovascular system, you can understand how this energy system appears because it underlies those other systems structurally and “behind the scenes”. Our technology is beginning to be so refined, however, that evidence for energy meridians has finally been documented in this way. The chakras are the intersections of major energy highways; they are swirling vortices which serve as “intake and outtake” values, transmuting energies from one form to another.
There is a multidimensional array of energy which comprises your being. The slower and lower frequencies are electromagnetic in nature. Such waves take time and space to travel. The faster and higher vibrational frequencies are only more recently being researched as torsion fields. Such fields do not obey the rules of spacetime, and involve immediate communication, no matter the distance. These effects have been called by quantum physicists “nonlocal” and “spooky action at a distance”. And seem to be correlated with “impossible” experiences such as intuition/telepathy, remote viewing, precognition and the like. For more information on this, see the section on Quantum Physics & Psychology.
The point is, you are not your body, the way you think of your body as a thing, shell, object or an unthinking machine.
There is a multidimensional array of energy which comprises your being. The slower and lower frequencies are electromagnetic in nature. Such waves take time and space to travel. The faster and higher vibrational frequencies are only more recently being researched as torsion fields. Such fields do not obey the rules of spacetime, and involve immediate communication, no matter the distance. These effects have been called by quantum physicists “nonlocal” and “spooky action at a distance”. And seem to be correlated with “impossible” experiences such as intuition/telepathy, remote viewing, precognition and the like. For more information on this, see the section on Quantum Physics & Psychology.
The point is, you are not your body, the way you think of your body as a thing, shell, object or an unthinking machine.
You are comprised of all kinds of energies, both egoic (e.g. physical, emotional, mental) and soul (i.e. spiritual, transpersonal). Your egoic energies are more electromagnetic and therefore are slower more physical and biochemical communication signals; while soul energies appear to be more torsional and beyond, and involve “spooky action at a distance”.
Balancing your energy at each of these levels can feel like a struggle. You’re busy, facing outer demands for your time and attention. You may have jobs that don’t resonate with your soul. You may be rushing to and from work to take and pick up your kids at school. And, who has time to make nutritious meals anymore? To get movement in your day, when you sit at a computer for so much time?
The good news is, that the more you relax into the beingness that you are at your core, the more synchronous and effortless life can feel. If you don’t know how, it may be time to learn. It’s strange that we work so hard to be who we are not, and fill our lives with struggle as a result, that we forget our most basic nature.
At the physical level, for optimal health, you do need to drink enough water (the best conductor of electrical signals), eat foods for the life energy and nutrition they bring to your bodily cells rather than simply their chemically-manufactured taste, get plenty of sunlight, and move each hour of each day. Do what you can, when you can. We’ll never be perfect at this.
Emotionally, you do need to recognize that which resonates (that is, the peaks and valleys of the energy waves match up and are in synch) energetically with you at your core, and that which does not. Consider that emotions are the result of a blended field of energy; your energy field mingles with “other” and you feel the felt sense of that intermingling. Others’ energies which are more similar to your own will feel some degree of pleasant; while the more dissimilar will feel unpleasant. Most people make the mistake of fearing that which is not similar to their own, and treat those others in unloving ways that create a disastrous chain reaction. Instead, consider that you are designed to sense those people, organizations, foods or “things” that are more similar to you; it is your built-in guidance system toward that which is more similar for loving and constructive purposes. Others have different purposes for their energies and life activity. Don’t make them an enemy when you fail to understand this.
To the degree you are aligned with your soul energies, to that degree you will feel happiness, even bliss. Learn to be still enough to listen and sense your soul essence. It will guide you to your next step in life. Learn to trust and follow it. As you do, more will be given to you. It will feel like you are following a trail of spiritual breadcrumbs. For now, practice noticing what you are thinking about when you feel good, what you are looking at when you fill with delight, what you are enjoying in life. That is clue to being in resonance with your soul.
At the level of mind, learn to discipline your thinking. Catch yourself in fear-based self-talk, thinking in all or nothing, friend or enemy, success or failure polarizing ways. Re-direct your thoughts toward that which uplifts, supports, encourages. Think about what you can do, when you can do it. Give your mind time to rest as well. Relax and play.
Spiritually, if you can’t feel your soul essence right now or regularly, then learn to quiet inside. Its communication is indeed quite subtle. Mindfulness meditation helps you focus on the beautiful essence inside all “things” and inside yourself. Transcending meditation helps you lift your consciousness into those spheres that are beyond your normal everyday personal consciousness. Meditating on feeling the highest most unconditional love that you can feel does take you “higher and higher”, as an enchanting Jewish hymn sings. Church was meant to be a body of similar souls, working each in their own way, for the purpose of mutual support in the process of bringing love inclusively into this world, Heaven on Earth. However imperfect in that original vision, find a church that feels like it resonates for you in this way, whether a mosque, synagogue, cathedral, hut, yoga studio, qigong retreat, forest or other grand altar in nature.
Your purpose in being here is to be the very quality of love that you already are at your core, to channel this line of energy into this material plane. As quantum physics has helped us come to realize, each of us is unique. There is no other pattern or signature of energy exactly like you, in any universe. You are here for a reason. Quit following one another off the cliff and into an abyss of misunderstanding and misery. Be you, and watch the miraculous synchronicities unfold around you, leading you into a greatness of being you otherwise would have never imagined.
And that, by the way, is precisely way we “let go, and let God”. At the human level of consciousness, we can’t imagine what is in-store for our part, as we participate in the symphony of creating Heaven on Earth.
As you tune into (literally) your soul consciousness, through the power of the heart, it will guide you from a higher level of awareness. Allow yourself to receive inspiration from your soul, to see the higher vision that comes from the energy vortex called the “Third eye” or “thine eye made singular”, and to put it out into the world as your higher creativity. Here you are creating for the good of the whole that is humanity and the planet at large. It will be moved according to the quality of your love and higher heart that energizes it.
Use your human consciousness or mind to take care of the details in service of your higher creativity, notice your emotions as a result of all of this joyful activity and feel how delightful this feels as it expresses who you really are through your physical body.
This is how we balance soul and ego. We allow soul to provide the direction, and ego to carry out the mission. We allow the yin of receiving to be balanced with the yang of giving and creating. We allow feminine yin of soul energy to be expressed through the masculine yang of egoic physical activity.
Give from your joy. Live from your love. Then relax and feel gratitude for this Divine plan of co-creation.