Analyzing our dreams can reveal much about our thoughts and emotions that are buried deeply below the surface. As I discuss more under Soul Work Dream Interpretation, and in my book Living in a Quantum Reality, dreams can be communications from Spirit or loved ones, or mental representations of a chatty mind. They may be memories of astral travels or of other incarnations. Most often, they mirror to us the fears we hold about a lacking self. There are assorted styles of dream analysis. My style is a synergistic blend inspired by various disciplines from Jungian psychology to spiritual teachings, along with remote viewing and other psychic research. Though informed by the archetypes of the collective unconscious, I ultimately believe that each of us tends to dream in symbols personal to us.
The types of dreams we experience reflect our reach in spiritual growth. For example, only those few who have developed their perceptual capabilities beyond the material realms will likely remember astral travels. Yet there is nothing to judge for no one is ahead of another. Each of us develops according to the plan of our Higher Self for purposes we can only intuit. Ultimately, you are the only one who can interpret your dream. I am honored to be your guide.
Call me today at 303.547.8327 to schedule your free initial 30-minute consultation and learn more!
I had a dream last night…. In it, time seemed as if years. I was working on various scientific and engineering projects and achievements. Some events felt as smaller tasks, like working on a roadway project for the ….Some felt larger, like a space mission to the moon, or a cure for disease. Toward what would be the end of the dream, it seemed as if something had gone very wrong, there had been deep betrayals by members of the team, and I was corralled among a herd of our professional team as we were mechanistically pushed out upon a conveyor belt compacting and carrying us toward we knew not where. Then I could see ahead an enclosed vat, disguised as a small but friendly lake decorated with orange water lilies, yet knew it to be a chemical bath that would lead to certain death. As we dropped into the bath of still moving water, most immediately a curtain appeared, and as we rounded the curtain, relief overtook dread. I was on a Disney ride, a convincing adventure ride as realistic as life is, taking time as life does, yet circling back to the source of my ride and finding it to be the same day as the ride had begun.