Quantum Psychology: 7 Faces of the Quantum Self
Here is a very brief look at 7 faces of the quantum self. Of course the quantum self is limitless, but these are the facets through which most of us can categorize our experience. 1. Physical-Instinctual Consciousness This is the center of consciousness most related to the physical body, its instinctual default programming, and its motivating force that leads us to seek out safety, security and self preservation. 2. Emotional-Relational Consciousness This sphere brings us our awareness of being in relationship with another person, a color, an idea…anything at all. Emotion is the vibrational response of that focused awareness; it is a biofeedback measure of what is like us or not like us. From here arise fears and desires, attractions and repulsions, and empathy/lower psychic senses. The desire to be in relationship, and to procreate are motivated from this layer of consciousness. 3. Mental Consciousness From here comes our linear/analytical thought, all that mental chatter, and the desire to achieve and develop our personal power. 4. Loving-Intuitive Consciousness Within this state of consciousness, we think like a “we”, are motivated by unconditional unselfish love, and find ourselves to be more intuitive. 5. Higher Creative Consciousness Our power coming from higher love, we find that we are motivated to create for the larger good. 6. Visionary Consciousness Having tapped into a loving desire to help others, we find ourselves intuiting ideas for things that have never been done before. 7. Transcendent-Oneness Consciousness Through this portal, our higher sense of self connects with our lower bodies.In this state we sense our oneness and interconnection with all that is visible and invisible.